2011年5月3日 星期二

LHU Shows the Spirit of “Love”

Love without borders. The earthquake Richter of scale
9.5 strike Japan trigger for a big tsunami in Japan.
The disaster was so huge that Japan seriously short
of goods. Our school, Lunghwa University of Science
and Technology solicit funds for the event. The
donation was originated on March 23th. The
associations all devoted to the donation. They
shouted the slogan “Please make an extra effort
for Japan.” and “Give our love to Japan.” in our
campus. All the stuffs and students responded the
donation enthusiastically. Lunghwa shows the spirit
of “Love”. We will gather statistics the sum of
money carefully and show the reaching achievement
to people. Our donation has been reaching over
$50,000. Student association will use the title as
“All the teachers and students of LHN” donate to
the children who suffered from the disaster in
Japan. We also took this opportunity to throw a
sprat to catch a whole. Hope Japan can recover as
soon as possible.

