2010年12月26日 星期日

Imagine Bad Job Interviewing (For Fun)

A: Hi, there.

B: Please take a seat.
( A get a sloppy resume)

A: Why do you want to get the job?

B: Oh, you know my ex-boss is unreasonable.

I just play happy farm from morning to

evening during my work hours. Then, I got

a fire. But I need to pay my rent. That’s

why I here.

A: what’s your planning in the career?

B: Well, it’s depends on how much I will

get per month. The world is realistic.

As the proverb saying “No money no talk”

So “No Money no planning”.

A: Do you have any questions to our company?

B: Are there any beauties in your company?

A: Are you sure you can handle the job?

B: Of course, I will show you I’m the most

talented person that you have never seen.

A: Yes, I know you are talented in computer

games and hang out with beauties but not

job. I’m sorry.

